The Pearson coefficient is an index reflecting a linear relationship between two continuous variables. The correlation coefficient varies between -1 and +1, with 0 reflecting a zero relationship between the two variables, a negative value (negative correlation) meaning that when one of the variables increases, the other decreases; while a positive value (positive correlation) indicates that the two variables vary together in the same direction

Industrial risks in mining companies cause human losses, material damage, occupational illnesses and irreversible disabilities. As industrial sectors and their environments evolve, the management of workplace health and safety has also evolved considerably since the 1980s as management and universal standardization of worker protection evolve on a global scale.

Achieving prevention and safety objectives requires different actions to combat workplace accidents and occupational illnesses. Work accidents and the resulting problems have negative financial, productive and human consequences. The main objective of industrial protection is to improve working conditions and increase the level of safety. Work safety is based on observations of previous experiences, analytical and technical investigations as well as statistical calculations.