1 iere année science de la matiere

This course covers some basic elementary mathematics (both analysis and algebra) subdivided into 6 chapters. Each topic includes a theoretical underpinning which is followed by well-treated and well-selected examples, and exercises of increasing difficulties, and so forth. Moreover, in each time when it is necessary, very explanatory graphs and diagrams of very high quality are introduced. Their utilities provide further explanation of ideas in the sense that they represent essential complements for course comprehension

This course covers some basic elementary mathematics (both analysis and algebra) subdivided into 6 chapters. Each topic includes a theoretical underpinning which is followed by well-treated and well-selected examples, and exercises of increasing difficulties, and so forth.

The word thermodynamics comes from the Greek word thermos, which means heat, and dynamo, which means force. Thermodynamics has become part of the family of chemistry and physics.

كلمة الديناميكا الحرارية تأتي من الكلمة اليونانية ترموس التي تعني الحرارة وديناميكا التي تعني القوة. أصبحت الديناميكا الحرارية جزءً من عائلة الكيمياء والفيزياء.

  • Grammar Fundamentals Introduction: Dive into the foundations of English grammar, laying the groundwork for effective communication in scientific contexts.

  • Countable and Uncountable Nouns Emphasis: Explore the nuances of countable and uncountable nouns, honing precision in expression through targeted activities.

  • Technical and Scientific Terminology Integration: Bridge language proficiency with scientific expertise by delving into technical terms specific to the Science of Matter. Enhance your ability to articulate complex concepts with linguistic finesse.