Licence 02.....Physique
- Enseignant: HERISSI LABIDI
Cet enseignement fournit à l’étudiant les fondements de la Mécanique des Fluides (liquides et/ou gaz). Cet enseignement est accompagné de travaux pratiques.
- Enseignant: HERISSI LABIDI
- Enseignant: CHEMAM Faiçal
Grammar Fundamentals Introduction: Dive into the foundations of English grammar, laying the groundwork for effective communication in scientific contexts.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns Emphasis: Explore the nuances of countable and uncountable nouns, honing precision in expression through targeted activities.
Technical and Scientific Terminology Integration: Bridge language proficiency with scientific expertise by delving into technical terms specific to the Science of Matter. Enhance your ability to articulate complex concepts with linguistic finesse.
- Enseignant: jouini sarra
- Enseignant: Hanane Mebrek