This course is intended for first-year students in earth sciences.
This course is structured according to the national curriculum in five chapters.


 I.THE GEOLOGICAL MAP:     1 - Land rating:    a) sedimentary lands,  b) magmatic terrains c) metamorphic terrains

                                               2 -   Notation of structures

                                               3 -   Other conventional signs

                                               4 -   Geological map notice

 II. THE GEOLOGICAL CUT: 1- principle, 2- Conventional figures

 III.   GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF LAYERS: 1-  Dip and direction of a layer, 2 -   Actual and apparent thickness


 V.   GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURES: 1-  Tabular structures, 2-   Monoclinal structures, 3-   Pleated structures, 4-   Faulted structures, 5-   Discordant structures