Establishment of the basic principles of vector spaces .

Recommended prior knowledge: Basic algebra

Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants en tronc commun MI, Mathématique, et Informatique.

The goals of the courseProgramming tools for mathematics” are to teach students how to use some computing mathematics software such as MATLAB, Scilab, and Mathematica. The course is designed to teach fundamental computer programming concepts such as variables, control structures, functions, and many others. Students will learn about various data types and how to handle them in MATLAB. They will also learn about the powerful support MATLAB provides for working with matrices. The course will cover file input/output as well. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB and will be familiar with general concepts in computer science and programming.

ICT is the short form of three basic terms: Information, Communication and Technology. The representation of data in a meaningful way is called Information.

The term communication may be referred as imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. In other words, it may be referred as conveying your feelings, thoughts and emotions in any verbal and non‑verbal medium.

This course entitled “Electronics and Systems Components” is intended for 1st year MI students. The content of this course is therefore particularly oriented towards students who will have for educational courses Computer Sciences or/and Maths.

Thus, the electronic system that is the subject of study in this course is the computer.

The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of electricity and magnetism (calculation of electric and magnetic fields and potentials, calculation of currents, etc.), in order to be able to analyze and interpret the phenomena which are linked to them.