يقدم هذا الدرس مقدمة شاملة في مجال علوم الحاسوب، حيث يغطي تطوره التاريخي والمفاهيم الأساسية. يبدأ بنظرة عامة تاريخية حول الحواسيب وتطورها. تتعمق الأقسام الأولى في المفاهيم الأولية، بما في ذلك مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات. يتقدم بعد ذلك لتعريف الحاسوب، موضحا مكوناته المختلفة، إضافة الى دروس أولية حول برنامج التشغيل وينداوز و برنامج الوورد ...

تُستكشَفُ فيما بعد مكونات العتاد، التي تشكل العناصر الجسدية الأساسية للحاسوب بتفصيل. وتشمل ذلك وحدة المعالجة المركزية (CPU)، واللوحة الأم، والذاكرة، وبطاقة الرسومات، وبطاقة الصوت، وبطاقة الشبكة، وقارئ الأقراص (CD/DVD)، والقرص الصلب. يتم استكشاف وظائف كلٍ منها ومساهمتها في النظام الكلي.

يتناول أيضًا جانب البرمجيات للحواسيب، حيث تشمل البرامج وأنظمة التشغيل ووظائفها. ويتم التركيز على دور نظام التشغيل في إدارة موارد الحاسوب وتسهيل برامج التطبيق. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، طرح بعض البرامج التطبيقية التي يتفاعل معها المستخدمون بشكل شائع.

This course on Computer Science, offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is an innovative approach to distance learning. It is specifically tailored to enhance students' practical skills in using Microsoft Word, one of the most essential tools in academic and professional settings. The course content, delivered through engaging video lectures, is a seamless continuation of what has been covered in the theoretical and practical classes.

These video lessons aim to provide students with basic yet comprehensive knowledge about Microsoft Word. They cover various aspects, such as creating and formatting documents, using templates, inserting images and tables, and applying advanced text editing techniques. By integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice, the course ensures that students gain a well-rounded understanding of Word’s functionalities.

Designed to support remote learning, these videos are an excellent resource for students who wish to reinforce their learning outside the classroom. They offer the flexibility to learn at one's own pace, making them ideal for revising concepts and enhancing proficiency in Microsoft Word. This approach aligns with the faculty's commitment to providing accessible and high-quality education to all students, regardless of their location

Welcome to the first year of Bachelor's degree in Islamic Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tebessa. As part of your curriculum, you will be studying the English language, which is a vital component of modern-day communication and a key tool for expanding your knowledge and career prospects.

In this course, you will be introduced to the basic principles of English grammar, vocabulary, and language structure. You will also be provided with the necessary skills to read, write, and communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing. The aim of the English language component in the Islamic Sciences program is to enable students to engage with English-speaking communities and access resources in English, such as scholarly literature, research papers, and online resources.

As future Islamic scholars, it is essential that you have a strong command of the English language, as it is the primary language of academic research and publication. Through this course, you will develop the ability to comprehend and analyze English texts, including those related to Islamic studies, which will enable you to expand your knowledge and contribute to the academic discourse in your field.

In summary, the English language component of the Islamic Sciences program aims to equip you with the language skills necessary to engage in scholarly discourse, access resources in English, and contribute to the advancement of Islamic studies.