philosophie arabe et islamique
مقياس مناهج فلسفية غربية معاصرة من المقاييس الموجهة لطلبة السنة الثانية ماستر فلسفة عربية واسلامية وفيها يتعرف الطالب على المناهج المعاصرة ودورها في تحقيق وتوليذ المعارف خاصة وأن هذه المناهج ظهرت بعذ الثورات العلمية المعاصرة في القرن العشرين.
The English language proficiency test for second-year Master's students in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy aims to evaluate the students' ability to comprehend, communicate, and write effectively in English. The test assesses the students' knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing conventions, as well as their ability to understand academic texts and express their ideas coherently and accurately.
The test consists of several sections, including a listening comprehension section, a reading comprehension section, and a writing section. In the listening comprehension section, students will be asked to listen to audio recordings and answer questions based on what they hear. The reading comprehension section requires students to read academic texts and answer questions related to the content. In the writing section, students will be asked to write an essay on a given topic, demonstrating their ability to express themselves clearly and effectively in written English.
Overall, the English language proficiency test for first-year Master's students in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy is designed to ensure that students have the necessary language skills to succeed in their studies and communicate effectively with their peers and professors in an academic setting.