يتضمن الدرس مجموعة من المصطلحات والمفاهيم القانونية ذات الصلة بتخصص قانون الاعمال، ويهدف الى تعزيز المعارف اللغوية القانونية للطالب

مصطلحات قانون أعمال باللغة الانجليزية للسداسي الثاني

When it comes to studying juridical terminology, it’s like diving into a whole new world of legal language and concepts. It is very useful for people in the juridical professions like lawyers, judges, legislators, members of the Parliament , jurists and so on. Hence, you will gain a deeper understanding of legal documents, court proceedings and how it applies to different areas of law.

This legal language can be used to write law related documents such as contracts, licences, judgments, acts of parliament, casz reports, etc…

Therefore this module can be a great resource for you to learn and master the specific vocabulary and terminology used in that field, for example : judge, party, article, case law, bill, counsel, court and so on, and it can also be a valuable tool that provides you with comprehensive lessons, exercises and many examples to help you to enhance your legal knowledge, interact confidently in meetings and have an access to millions of foreign books and articles.